The new Turkey |
17-Mar-2019 13:04 |
17 January 2019: At the İstanbul 36th Heavy Penal Court, Dr. Lecturer Efe Arık and Lecturer U.Ş. from Arel University and Dr. Lecturer Reyda Ergün from Kadir Has University had their fifth hearings; Prof. Dr. Taner Gören from İstanbul University had his sixth hearing. The court board ruled that all four academics shall be sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison on charge of "propagandizing for a terrorist organization" as per the Article 7/2 of the Anti-Terror Law (TMK). The pronouncement of all verdicts has been deferred. The court board deferred the announcement of the verdicts on the ground that "defendants have no criminal record" and "considering their personalities, the court has the conviction that they will not commit crimes in the future." The court board consisted of Presiding Judge Hakan Özer; Members Merve Akyüz, Sümeyye Nur Özparlak; Prosecutor Hasan Adalı. |